First Class Scout, Walking wherever I may travel, Patrol Leader (Two Stripes on Shirt Sleeve), Free Roaming Appalachian Mountains' White Bison Patrol, Troop 348 wrote: " "Hey Walter, Andrew and Andrea.If the Camel is located in the bed of the pick-up truck, where is the spare tire for the pick-up truck located on the pick-up truck? Jack is driving the pick-up truck.Dog wrote: " Bark! Get out of there! " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo.The Unknown wrote: " Hey Dave, are we there yet? " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo." posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo. Colton wrote: " I wonder when he'l see me back here.aviator107 wrote: " "See honey? I told you it'd fit!" " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo.We can already cross off water, I got it in the back." " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo. Regrets wrote: " "Alright, let's go over the checklist.funnyboi69420 wrote: " *BREAKING NEWS* A camel was taken hostage by unknown kidnapper sand are demanding a ransome of $69,420 and 3 gallons of water to keep the camel alive " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo.Toesman567 wrote: " Where are we again " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo.Thatguy wrote: " They told me the ride was air conditioned " posted to Write a Funny Caption For This Photo.Perry is the title characters’ pet platypus, but lives a secret life a James Bond-like “Agent P. The world’s most famous platypus is “Perry The Platypus” from the popular “Phineas and Ferb” cartoon.It has served as a mascot for athletic events, including the Summer Olympics, and has been featured on Australian stamps. The platypus is extremely popular in its native Australia.

A platypus finds food by using sensors in its bill to pick up electric impulses from moving sources of food like worms and insects.Scientists usually say “platypuses” or stay at “platypus” because there is no universal standard in the English language. The plural of platypus is a source of debate.Many scientists think they are the earliest-evolving mammal - which might explain their unique characteristics. The platypus swims for up to 12 hours a day to find food, but otherwise lives on land. It “chews” its food by grinding it up along with gravel and other sediment it scoops up from the ground as it hunts for food. And the female platypus lays eggs like a bird or reptile, making it one of only two mammals (the echidna is the other) to do so.Īlso unlike most mammals, a platypus lacks teeth. Males carry venom that can cause considerable pain to humans. Its body and fur look just like an otter. Its long, muscular tail is similar to a beaver. The platypus also has webbed feet - but the similarities to a duck end there. The platypus uses its snout to scoop up food - usually worms, other insects and small shrimp - from the bottom of lakes or streams. Its most pronounced feature is its duck-like bill - hence a common second name for the animal, the “duck-billed platypus.” The bill looks like a duck’s but is actually much softer and acts almost like a snout. This unique mammal combines the looks and traits of several different animals. The platypus is one of the world’s great mysteries.